"When everyone else is working photography meetup group" started yesterday for photographers in the area. I will be organizing one or two morning meet ups each month in the DC area. Anyone can join, and if you can make it to a few, all the better.
Our first meetup in scheduled for April 29. Follow the
link for details.
Sounds like a lot of fun. I wish there was more these kinds of events in the part of the UK I live. Have a great time!
I like the idea of a 'when everyone else is working' group. I have lots of time available during the normal workday but family comes first on weeknights and weekends. Wish there was something like this is my area...
Have fun!
I wish it was close enough for me. :-(
To Kevin, Julie, and Heather....start your own!!! :)
That's what I said about a photography club. It didn't take long for the group to "soar."
Mike, your group will "soar" too! Bravo to you for taking the initiative!
I wish I had a "when everyone else is working" time. Unfortunately for me I'd have to do the club between 1am and 8am after job 1 & 2. :)
Sounds very cool - enjoy it! :)
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