Last night I went to the Photoshop User Group meeting at CDIA that Chris Alvanas hosted on HDR. I knew I had seen his work before, and after a little research this morning I found it in
Nikon World Magazine. The PUG meeting was a 2 hour discussion on technique where Chris walked the group through his workflow and how he has achieved the best results for his work. Chris does lean a bit on the more illustrative type of HDR shots, but for effect. If you have followed my blog, you know I do like this effect. I did learn a new technique from him on using three layers with different blend modes that I will share another time, after I perfect. In the meantime go a check out his
site. His HDR work is under the Edge menu.
Tomorrows forecast in DC, Partly cloudy and 59 degrees - I am going to grab my tripod and camera and get over to the Washington National Cathedral for some HDR inspiration. Dan? You up for it?
I can't believe I haven't tried HDR yet... I look forward to your demo!
Mike - what a cool sculpture! You made it look awesome!
I took at look at Chris' website and OMG his HDR is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! I'm in awe. If you learned how he makes his work look that amazing you muuuuust share! :) I *heart* HDR!
Fun photograph. Sky really turned out nicely.
Cool HDR! This sculpture made me laugh - I haven't seen an eraser like that for years.
Thanks for sharing the link. Chris's work is incredible! I like his 'edge' style and his 'kids' gallery is really wonderful too.
Oh boy, do I ever look forward to seeing your results from the National Cathedral - one of my favorite DC sights.........
I'll have to be with you in spirit. Cub Scout Blue and Gold coming up on Friday. I'm the slideshow guy and MC. A little backed up. I know....excuses, excuses. Let's aim for another local next week. I'm in.
Great HDR Mike, and Chris's stuff is ace also. Its definately an art to get HDR right I think (I'm way off), and this one looks great.
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